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Climate Action

Posted Jan 23rd, 2018


As political leaders around the world discuss the issues surrounding climate change, there are many community groups taking climate action. Some are small grass roots organizations but they all have one thing in common – they aren’t just talking, they’re getting things done. 

The sustainable Red Deer Society also known as ReThink Red Deer is taking a different approach to better quality of life in Red Deer and surrounding areas. A good way to make a change is to inform people of the problem and that’s exactly what they’re doing. ReThink Red Deer aims to motivate citizens to make eco-friendly consumer choices by teaching them about the importance of community sustainability and making choices available. They operate around four key principles: Smart Urban Planning, waste minimization, protecting and enhancing natural assets and reinvigorating the Democratic Process. 

Green Communities Canada (GCC) is trying to help Canada improve the health of communities, conserve resources for future generations and reduce pollution. The GCC, which is in fact a group of community organizations, created the award-winning Well Aware program to protect rural water sources. They’ve even implemented sustainability polices, like walk-friendly communities; affordable energy retrofits for low-income households, and a national home energy efficiency strategy. 

The association Burlington Green came together to give the environment a voice. Supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Burlington Green is trying to protect and improve the health of the environment and make sure it’s respected. Working alongside citizens, businesses, organizations, advocates, and governments they provide numerous programs and events to promote energy efficiency and a greener lifestyle. 

These are just a few of the independent organizations that have been working hard to keep conversation about climate change alive. They are also proof that going green is possible one little step at a time. While many of these organizations focus most of their efforts at the community level, they also encourage business owners to take climate action, not just for climate sake but also for economic sustainability sake.

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