Most companies are looking to save on their energy bills and that means looking for places where inefficiencies exist. While finding lapses in energy use and implementing new solutions does take time, there are many examples of companies reaping the benefits from making improvements.
King Daughter’s Inn (KDI) has seen savings of $1200 to $1800 on their monthly utility bills according to a case study. KDI is a boutique Inn that not only focuses on the historic preservation of their building but their energy consumption as well. Owners, Colin and Deanna Crossman made it a point that when the building was restored, energy efficiency and water management technologies were to be introduced.
Since being restored, the Inn features an energy management system that controls room temperature. The system includes infrared sensors that can detect human presence and will automatically shut off lights while the room is unoccupied. All light fixtures are fitted with LED bulbs that use five times less energy than ordinary bulbs. Room temperature is also regulated based on season. The system is responsible for saving up to 30 percent of energy costs. KDI was also redesigned to include low-flow bathroom fixtures such as faucets, showerheads, and ultra high-efficiency toilets. The hot water boiler on site is reported to be 98 percent efficient, only heating water that is needed. If hot water demand is low, only one burner will be used and as the demand increases up to four burners can be used. Other water saving technology includes a 10,000 gallon rain water cistern and a rain garden that reduces water needs by using collected water for irrigation and outdoor watering.
Counter Culture Coffee has also been doing their part when it comes to being sustainable. Their goal is to make the coffee process sustainable starting from the growth of the coffee bean, all the way to the final product of a hot cup of coffee. In 2015, Counter Culture Coffee invested in wind energy credits and offset 45 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in a year. Their staff has also made behavioural changes to reduce electricity use. Since 2014 they have been collecting data more accurately to identify their problem areas and are making improvements accordingly. Counter Culture goes a step further by extending their environmental protection efforts outside of their own business by offering U.S community based organizations assistance through their food security training centers. The centers focus on sustainable agriculture and hunger prevention.